Friday, 3 November 2017

Prioritizing Your Hiring Process

Prioritizing Your Hiring Process 

Despite the title, “hiring managers” do a lot more than just hire new talent. In fact, in many companies, hiring is a task added to the hiring manager’s ordinary full-time workload.
With so much work to juggle and only so much time to do it, hiring managers have to prioritize. They must focus on the tasks and processes that will meet the company’s hiring needs most effectively and efficiently. But where should a hiring manager start?
Since you can’t do it all, start prioritizing your hiring process and needs with these steps:

Get organized.

Every manager knows that a team does its most productive and focused work when the team has a clear goal and timeline. Start by identifying and prioritizing your most pressing hiring needs. Is a staff member leaving? Check the job description for the staff member’s position to ensure it’s up to date and reflects the skills and experience needed to do the job well. Is your department expanding? If so, determine which workloads are going to increase and who will need to be hired to cover the work.
When you know which positions you’ll need to fill in the near future, for how long, and what skills are required, you can start making clear, strategic plans to get the talent you need.


Good managers know how to motivate, teach, and inspire – and they also know how to delegate. Not all hiring tasks need to be handled by the manager personally. Perhaps you’ll assign someone to draft an updated job description, to post it to the company’s social media sites, or to skim the first round of resumes. Don’t hesitate to hand off tasks in the hiring process so you can focus on tasks that genuinely need your specific attention.

Work with a recruiter.

Delegate tasks more efficiently by working with a staffing firm. Your staffing partner can help you create a higher-quality candidate pool by pre-screening candidates for both technical skill and cultural fit. Staffing firms also specialize in helping their clients create strategic staffing plans, making prioritizing and hiring easier.

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